There are going to be lots of people reaching retirement age, this and every year. Which means it’s very likely someone you know will soon be looking to retire. Even if your finances are a little tight there are plenty of great retirement gifts available, particularly if you’re looking for something that’s unique. Whether it’s a co-worker who’s retiring, a friend or family member, letting the event pass and doing nothing will be a mistake.
So what are your options, if you’re looking for unique retirement gift ideas? Let’s look at some of the alternatives, whether you’re looking for a retirement gift for a colleague or friend.
Tips on choosing retirement gifts for a valued colleague
Consider pooling resources – Whether you’re looking for unique retirement gifts for her, or unique retirement gifts for him, it’s a good idea to ask other colleagues to chip in with the cost. Unless you have a close relationship with the retiree this is often the best way to go. It also means that the gift can be more substantial, and more useful for the recipient. There aren’t many retirees that will appreciate piles of trinkets or ornaments. A far better gift will be something they can put to good use.
- Consider their hobbies – Many retirees will express a desire to pursue certain kinds of hobbies. If you can discover what these are then there’s your answer for unique retirement gifts. Maybe the person has a collection, for example stamps, coins or a certain type of pottery. Your retirement gift could become the centerpiece of the collection.
- You can always ask their spouse for ideas – Don’t feel ashamed about having to ask a spouse, significant other, or friend, as they can be an excellent source of ideas. Ask what the retiree is planning to do with their retirement. Are they planning to travel more, spend more time on the golf course, read more, or learn a new skill? Maybe the retiree is a lover of flowers. A gold-dipped rose would be an everlasting gift.
- Try and be creative – Think about the job the retiree has been doing and pick a gift that refers to something they created, sold, or bought on the job. A great example we found was a clock that had been made out of scrap disks. Personalized retirement gifts are often the best, so don’t forget to look at those as well.
- Unique retirement gifts for men can be sentimental – Some of the best retirement gifts are those that recall memories, either what the person did during their professional life, or of colleagues or coworkers. Gifts such as photo albums, scrapbooks, collages, or a collection of meaningful messages from people they knew, work equally well for both men and women.
Unique retirement gifts are often the best
When it comes to retirement gifts the choices are endless. There are, of course, the traditional gifts such as a gold watch or a commemorative plaque. But pick a gift that is more unique than that, and it won’t be destined to gather dust at the back of a cupboard.
However, finding the best retirement gift isn’t going to be easy. You want your gift to express your gratitude, or show how proud you are of all they have achieved. So let’s look at a couple more unique retirement gifts ideas for men and for women.
A cruise – Obviously this isn’t going to be an option for many people, but if it’s your parents who are retiring what better way to mark the event? If you’ve got siblings who can help with the cost then even better. If a cruise doesn’t come close to your budget there are still a number of great retirement gift ideas. A day out enjoying a river cruise, or a weekend jaunt on a yacht, or simply an afternoon of sea fishing, are just a few examples.
Gift baskets – Here at we happen to think this sort of gift is brilliant. It is so versatile, and can suit a number of special occasions. And it can be individually tailored, which makes it a truly unique retirement gift. Garden-themed gift baskets for the gardener. Artist-themed gifts for the retiree who loves to paint. A gift basket filled with delectable and tasty treats for the food lover. And a basket full of their favorite wine for the wine buff.
Now you’ve got a few ideas under your belt you may be wondering whether there is a retirement gift you’d be wise to steer clear of. So let’s see if we can come up with some serious retirement gift giving faux-pas.
Steer clear of the following retirement gift ideas
Remember that hand-knitted jumper your aunt gave you one Christmas? How many pairs of socks have you received for your birthday? How many bottles of bubble bath does one person really need? We’ve all received at least one terrible gift, and if you haven’t then bully for you. For some people giving something is better than giving nothing. That’s what they think but we all agree here that is simply not true.
We thought we’d share some of the terrible retirement gifts we found while doing our research. Read them and then decide whether you think the retirement gift was a mistake.
A personalized gift with the wrong initials or name – This could possibly be one of the most embarrassing retirement gifts ever. Some recipients may smile and think it’s funny, but a large number will be totally offended. And quite rightly so, because it only takes a few minutes to make sure you’ve got the details right. Many online gift sites give shoppers the opportunity to view the personalized item before the order is finalized. So there really no excuse not to check the wording properly.
A cheap bottle of wine – If you want to buy someone a bottle of wine then the best quality you can afford is the only option. And if all you can afford is a couple of dollars then you might want to look for something else. Nobody want to open the bottle to toast their retirement and taste a wine that is like vinegar. Not a very fitting tribute for such a momentous occasion.
Bathroom scales – We can’t believe anyone would give this as a gift, especially for a person’s retirement. This gift says nothing more than “I think maybe you could do with losing weight”. Unless this gift features on a retirement registry list then steer well clear.
Re-gifted gifts – Some of you reading this may be thinking “So, what’s wrong with a re-gifted gift? Surely it’s better that someone gets use of the item in question”. Well there is an element of truth in that thought, but what happens if the book you’re regifting has a handwritten message on the inside cover?
If you have encountered some other retirement gifts that should never have seen the light of day why not let us know and maybe we’ll share them with our readers.
Many retirees will have a party planned in their honor. We thought we’d finish up with some fun retirement party ideas.
Great ideas for a retirement party
A retirement party isn’t a sombre occasion. On the contrary, it should be a fun and enjoyable event. Not just for the retiree, although they will be the most important, but also for the guests as well. Bring a chuckle to the gathering by trying one of the following party ideas:
Pin the glasses on the retiree – Much like the game “pin the tail on the donkey” but this time use a pair of glasses, or a tie, and ask guests to be blindfolded and pin either onto a blown up picture of the retiree.
- Throne for the retiree – Give the retiree pride of place at the party and decorate an old wheel chair or rocking chair and place it center stage. Don’t forget a blanket because they might be feeling chilly or frail.
- Activity suggestions – Why not ask guests to write down their suggestions for activities the retiree can try when there is more time? There are bound to be some really humorous ones, and some might even be worthwhile ideas.
- Smash up an alarm clock – Pop to your local junk store and purchase an alarm clock. It doesn’t matter whether it’s working or not. During the party give the retiree the opportunity to smash it into tiny pieces. This will be a great way to signify the retiree is no longer a slave to the clock.