Do you know a man who is looking forward to his retirement? For many men this important stage in life can be very exciting. However, some men may find themselves filled with dread. For several decades they will have been waking up at the same time every work day, eating breakfast and then travelling to work. For a period of 8 hours there will have been a set routine to follow before clocking off and heading home for dinner. All that will change when retirement arrives. There will be no set routine to follow, and endless hours of free time. It’s no wonder some retirees are filled with dread.
However the guy in question may be feeling, a great way to mark the occasion is with a retirement gift. He has been working most of his adult life and deserves a spot of treating. It’s also going to be a time for new experiences, new hobbies, interests and may be even some travel. For the first time in a while he will be able to indulge himself and enjoy the uncluttered days that lie before him.
Why the best retirement gifts for men are so important
There will be people you know and around you all the time that are approaching retirement. It’s a phase in our lives that not all of us plan for. Retirement gifts for men are really only a small token, but will certainly bring a smile to his face. Especially if you’ve spent time and effort finding the right one. Buying him a trinket without any personal touches will be seen as an empty gesture. Follow some of our retirement gift ideas for men and your gift will be remembered for many years to come. Why not pick a set of poker cards that have been dipped in gold?
But why should you worry about giving him a gift at all? Because it’s a way of saying thank you, if you’ve had the pleasure of working with him. A retirement present for dad will show him how proud you are of all he has achieved. It can also spur the retiree on to bigger and better things when he doesn’t have to worry about getting up for work every day.
Finding the right retirement gift ideas for men can be a little tricky. Some so called ‘great retirement gifts’ are not great at all. Men can sometimes be very sensitive about their age, and a gift that reminds him he’s ancient, or one that implies he’s over the hill, even if it’s in a humorous way, will go down like a lead balloon. Retirement gifts for men should be about celebrating a new beginning. A time when there will be more opportunities for relaxing, more time to spend with family and friends, start new hobbies, or dedicate more hours to a current interest.
If you’re finding all this a little confusing, keep reading for our favorite retirement gifts ideas. For all the men in your life who will be retiring. Whether that’s tomorrow, next month or a few years down the line.
Retirement gift ideas for men full of useful information
Check an online gift site such as Amazon, and you’ll be amazed at the number of books available, aimed at the retiring man. Some are full of helpful information such as how to organize your finances, what you’re entitled to, and how to continue working if that is what you want to do. There are also some that are fond memories of a recently retired male. These retirement advice books will also look at activities the retiree can develop, great places to go on vacation, keeping healthy and happy. One such book that was recommended by a team member looking at retirement, is “Older and Happier!: Inspiring, Amusing, and Useful Advice for Men of a Certain Age” by Dag Sebastian Ahlander.
Retirement gift ideas for the man who is planning to travel
A great retirement present for a dad who is planning to travel would be a pair of top quality binoculars, or the latest digital camera. Imagine all the sights still to be discovered. With your gift tucked inside his bag he won’t miss a single one. Other useful travel gifts would be guide books, maps, travel bags, leather passport holder, or travel vouchers.
Another great retirement gift would be a travel journal. It’s pretty much a certainty that the retiring man will be planning some travel. Weather and health permitting of course. Give him something that can be used to record his travelling memories. Things like where he stayed, how he travelled and the people he met on the way. We all know that a good memory is often something that fades with age, so this gift will help him remember for the next time he visits a certain place.
You might be thinking that writing everything down will be tiresome. After all there’s so much technology around that can do it all for you. Retirement means the man will have plenty of time to sit down with a pen and make useful notes. It could also act as a lovely memory that can be handed down to future generations.
Gift the man who’s retiring more of your time
Gifting someone more of your time is always going to be a gift that’s appreciated, especially if that man is a member of your family. Retirement can be a difficult stage in life to come to terms with and it’s you and the other people around him that will help make the transition as smooth as possible. Show how you appreciate all that he has done over the years, and that now it’s time for him to sit back and let others do the caring.
The best retirement gifts for men should be just for him
If you’re still struggling to come up with some great ideas for retirement gifts you might want to keep reading. Here are more retirement presents for men:
Services – Pay for him to have his car valeted. Buy him a voucher he can exchange at a local gym. Hire a cleaner to help him declutter.
- Personalized retirement gifts – There are a number of retirement gifts that can be personalized, either with a name or initials, date of retirement, or meaningful message. Notebooks, calendars, handkerchiefs, and items of clothing, are just a few examples.
- Take him on a trip down Memory Lane – Retirement is often a time for reflection, just as much as it is a time for looking to the future. There are many gifts that will help him enjoy the past such as photo albums, photo frames, memory collage.
- For the music lover – Is the guy that’s retiring aware of all the best and latest ways to enjoy music? Have his CD collection uploaded onto a digital system and buy him a good set of headphones. Would he appreciate tickets to a concert? Or a subscription to an online music service?
- Tickle his taste buds – They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and this still holds true today. Take him out to dinner at his favorite restaurant. Buy him a gift basket filled with tasty treats. He might even appreciate some cooking lessons. And if you really want to treat him then hire his own personal chef for the day.
We hope that at least one of our retirement gift ideas for men has served to inspire you. Retirement is an important stage in any person’s life and deserves to be marked appropriately. There are so many gifts to choose from that we completely understand how difficult it can be to pick the right one. If you’re still stuck for ideas don’t panic. We’ll be featuring heaps more ideas in upcoming months. We’ve already got pages that relate to personalized gifts, unique gifts, retirement gifts for women, and are planning lots more.